Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Fall is Here

At the end of August I extended my car lease and decided to switch to a new car. I got this large Chevy Impala with New Mexico plates. Or just one plate to be exact as it only had the one in the back. I had to Google to see whether driving a car like that is even legal. Apparently cars registered in 19 or the 50 states require just the back plate and New Mexico is one of them.

The road to Bear Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park is closed for most of the time because of road work. However, if you get there before 9am you can drive there yourself instead of having to catch a shuttle bus. One Saturday morning I woke up really early and went out before the sunset and finally got to see this beautiful place. It had snowed a few weeks prior up in the mountains.

I wasn't digging the Chevy Impala at all so I switched it to another Chevy Cruze 2012 and this time I got the best model with keyless ignition, leather seats and all that other useless stuff. It's funny though how two cars from the same company can be so different. The Cruze is so much fun to drive whereas the Impala just made you want to avoid driving altogether.


  1. Impala on amerikan chevyn tekele ja cruze taitaa olla korealaisten(daewoo) disainia ;)

  2. Tru dat. Silti jännää, miten täysin erilainen fiilis kahdessa samalla logolla varustetussa samantyyppisessä autossa voi olla.
